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Thread: [newbie] Include latest ID into INSERT?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Question [newbie] Include latest ID into INSERT?


    I need to write a script in SQL to import topics + posts into a phpBB forum.

    The issue I have is: How can I reference the last topic ID when adding a post to it, since a post must reference a topic?

    FWIW, it's in MariaDB, but maybe there's a generic SQL trick to do this.

    #Create new topic (ie. discussion thread)
    INSERT INTO `phpbb_topics` (forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time) VALUES ();
    #Add first post to topic
    #INSERT INTO `phpbb_posts` (topic_id,forum_id,poster_id,post_time,post_username,post_text) VALUES ();
    INSERT INTO `phpbb_posts` (SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(),forum_id,poster_id,post_time,post_username,post_text) VALUES ();
    Can it be done in SQL, or should I write it in eg. Python?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    INSERT INTO 'phpbb_posts' (forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time) VALUES ((SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()), other data...);

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