
I have a query (Access2003) as basis for a form (VB.NET), in which measured values of certain properties (tied together in test series) at 10 metering points should be presented as follows (metering points horizontally):

Property Point1 Point2 Point3 Point4 ... Point10
Prop1 value 1 value n empty etc. ....
Prop2 value x empty value y etc. ....
... etc. ....
... etc. ....
I have created a query that returns the desired result, but unfortunately for all in the database existing test series and not only for a specific one:

TRANSFORM Sum(qryPointMeasuredvalue.Measuredvalue) AS SumofMeasuredvalue
SELECT qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
FROM qryPointMeasuredvalue
GROUP BY qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
PIVOT qryPointMeasuredvalue.Point;

It is however no problem to restrict the results of the query to one specific test series as e.g. test series 1 as follows:

TRANSFORM Sum(qryPointMeasuredvalue.Measuredvalue) AS SumofMeasuredvalue
SELECT qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
FROM qryPointMeasuredvalue
WHERE (((qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr)=1))
GROUP BY qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
PIVOT qryPointMeasuredvalue.Point;

but I have to parameterize the query like

TRANSFORM Sum(qryPointMeasuredvalue.Measuredvalue) AS SumofMeasuredvalue
SELECT qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
FROM qryPointMeasuredvalue
WHERE (((qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr)=['TestSeriesNr']))
GROUP BY qryPointMeasuredvalue.idxProperty, qryPointMeasuredvalue.TestSeriesNr
PIVOT qryPointMeasuredvalue.Point;

and in this case Access gives an error for not recognizing ['TestSeriesNr'] as a regular fieldname or -expression.

How should I make the query, so that I get the desired result for the (only one) specified test series?

Many thanks for your input!
