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Thread: SQL Course Lesson 6 "Updating tables"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    SQL Course Lesson 6 "Updating tables"

    On question 4.

    4.Everyone that's making under 30000 are to receive a 3500 a year raise.

    I enter;

    update myemployees_mb1227
    set salary = salary + 3500
    where salary < 30000;

    When I get the results back my decimal point is being truncated or "rounded off"

    SQL Command Executed

    firstname lastname title age salary
    Jonie Weber-Williams Administrative Assistant 28 19500
    Potsy Weber Programmer 32 45300.00
    Catherine Schmitt Scheduler 52 39500.00
    Kia Maru Siamese 12 10500
    Dirk Smith Programmer II 48 75300.00
    Michael Barens JCL 52 55500.00

    Does anyone know what is causing this to happen and how I can fix?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Did you fix the issue?

    I just looked at the table and I can see the decimals in there?

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