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Thread: Indicators in SSRS

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Question Indicators in SSRS

    Question... I am wondering if anyone knows how to use an indicator in SSRS to determine the "red,yellow,green" from a value in the same report only run on a different day...? In other words... I have a report that is executed every day with a "total" value say 150,000. Is it possible to have an indicator that would show if the value is above, the same, or below the value from yesterday? I'm thinking if its possible it may have to be written as a VB script?

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Indicators are working exacly like this - with value below, above, etc. After you put your indicator you have to go on properties -> value and states and to sett the column you want for this indicator, can be even expression, if you are looking for numeric or % results. In your xase it seems to be numeric. And then you have start and end value for every color. You can actally change the colors , and add more then three if you want

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