M trying to create a function to return a table!! but it jus pops an error message!!
Plz help me!!
The code follows!!

alter function dbo.anf
@mdvn int,
@fdate datetime,
@tdate datetime
returns table
declare @vdate date
declare @fedddate date
declare @tedddate date
declare @tvdate date
set @vdate=dateadd(dd,-91,@fdate)
set @tvdate=dateadd(dd,36,@tdate)
set @fedddate=dateadd(dd,20,@fdate)
set @tedddate=dateadd(dd,310,@tdate)
declare @REGDT int
declare @ANC int
declare @TT1 int
declare @TT2 int
declare @IFA int
declare @BP int
declare @HB int
select dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd,sum(REGDT) as Regdt,SUM(ANC) as ANC,SUM(TT1) as TT1, SUM(TT2)as TT2,
SUM(IFA) as IFA, SUM(BP) as BP, SUM(HB) as HB from
select dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd,
case when ANEDD IS null then 0 else 1 end as REGDT,
case when visit_no=3 and ANEDD between @vdate and @tvdate then 1 else 0 end as ANC,
case when TTB=1 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as TT1,
case when TTB>2 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as TT2,
case when IFA=100 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as IFA,
case when BP>='140/90' and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as BP,
case when HB<11 and ANEDD between @fdate and @tdate then 1 else 0 end as HB
from ANVisits3 a where DVN_CD=@mdvn and ANEDD between @fedddate and @tedddate
)a group by dvn_cd,phc_cd,hsc_cd