
Although these are your own personal database may I suggest that get in the habit of having proper documentation. I make this suggestion as some time in the future you maybe asked to do a database for a friend(client) and you find that having the proper documentation will assist the client in determining their needs and you in understanding their needs.

Search "System Development Life Cycle" for some ideas.
For the client you will need a High Level Business Requirements followed by Functional Specification and finally Design
Specification. The High Level Business Requirements is an overview of the project. The Functional Specification breaks the overall projects in functions. The Design Specification is used by the programmer to design the screens, tables etc.

I am not a professional programmer, but with my current project for a friend I have created a High Level Business Requirements and a Design Specification based on the client's vision of the screen layouts. The original Design Specification for each screen layout was based on the client's layout. Each Design Specification was changed with the client's approval as a better user interface was developed.

Finally, documentation comes in handy as it is a reference point when you need to make changes to the database etc.

I can send a copy to you if you wish.