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Thread: Update table from form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Update table from form

    Hi. Plz direct me on how best to update a table from a form. I have a form with the following column: Description, male, female date and activity. I also have another table with similar details. I want a situation where whenever there is a change in the male or female data in the form, it should also change in the table. The issue here is that the table gets it data from an after update feature of the form, likewise, I want that if there is a change in the form it should also reflect on the table it is updating to. I hope I make sense here. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    First off, all these records, based on what you have said so far, should all be in the same table. There is no reason whatsoever to separate records into two different tables just because of the gender of the individual being recorded in a record. If you need to separate the men from the women in a report, that should be done with a query, not a separate table.
    When the database tables and their relationships are correctly designed, everything else is VERY easy, compared to how difficult everything will be if you do not have well designed tables, relationships, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well, thanks. I app ur reply but I Know what I want. What I want to know is just direct me on how to update a record in a table from a form of another table with same data. If there is any changes in this form using the on change feature of the form it should update it into the other table. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Engr. Clement, sorry about not being able to answer your request. When I have asked for help and gotten a reply that there is a much better way, I have explained why I must do it "my" way. That is, what the circumstances are that truly dictate a non-standard approach. Lacking that defense of your approach, I must back out of the helper mode.
    Think about this from my side. You have already, without defense of your non-standard approach, dismissed my advice. There is no way for me to help you at this point because of the unknown direction you want to go. I would be offering another suggestion, but there is no way to know that it will fit with your desired solution. Sorry.

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