I want to run this query to see if i have any records come up:SQLRecID_Match = "Select RecID, CurrentUser, DateEntered From dbo.tbl_AR_CurrentUsers As CU"SQLRecID_Match = SQLRecID_Match & " Inner Join tbl_AR_" & Cmb_ClientName & "_" & strUserID & " As AR"SQLRecID_Match = SQLRecID_Match & " ON CU.RecID = AR.RecID"strConnection = "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & strSQLServer & ";DATABASE=" & strSQLDatabase & ";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=Yes;" '"Toys_2008_TPR;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=Yes;"Call SQL_PassThrough(strConnection, SQLRecID_Match, strQueryName)If no records come up, then I want to send an insert statement to sql server, otherwise a Select statement to return a recordset to access. I can send the code above via passthru...but how do evaluate whether records matched? so i can then create my if in access...below is my passthru function:Function SQL_PassThrough(ByVal ConnectionString As String, _ ByVal SQL As String, _ Optional ByVal QueryName As String) Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Set dbs = CurrentDb Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef With qdf .Name = QueryName .Connect = ConnectionString .SQL = SQL .ReturnsRecords = (Len(QueryName) > 0) If .ReturnsRecords = False Then .Execute Else If Not IsNull(dbs.QueryDefs(QueryName).Name) Then dbs.QueryDefs.Delete QueryName dbs.QueryDefs.Append qdf End If .Close End With Set qdf = Nothing Set dbs = NothingEnd Function