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Thread: Querying unique record without using Distinct & GroupBy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Querying unique record without using Distinct & GroupBy

    I am trying to retrieve unique records using select query. If I use Distinct or GroupBy funtion I am able to achieve the desired output, however I am not able to tick the check box (Reminded) when I run the query.

    I have table with data as follows,

    AuditID Date Reminded
    1203 01/01/2010 No
    1203 05/01/2010 No
    1204 06/01/2010 No
    1204 06/01/2010 No
    1204 07/01/2010 No
    1205 07/01/2010 No
    1206 06/01/2010 No
    1206 06/01/2010 No

    I want to achieve the following outout

    Reminded AuditID Date
    No 1203 05/01/2010
    No 1204 07/01/2010
    No 1205 07/01/2010
    No 1206 06/01/2010

    I am looking to retieve unique AuditID with the latest date.

    I tried the below queries

    select b.reminded,b.auditid from RiskActionPlan b where date=(select max(date) from RiskActionPlan where auditid=b.auditid)

    I am able to select the Reminded Checkbox when I run the above query however the it does NOT result with unique auditid (audit ids are repeted)

    If i add distinct (Select distinct ....) I am able to get the unique records but i am not able to check the Reminded checkbox.

    I have been trying to sort this out since last 4 hours, I will appreciate If someone could assist me with this.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    In order to have a query you can update, I have made the (Select Distinct) query an append query and write the records into a work table. Then I can use that table (the work table) and the table I NEED to query, make a join between the two on AuditID and you should be able to check the check box that you need to be checked.

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