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Thread: Want to insert Blank instead of Null in main table

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Want to insert Blank instead of Null in main table


    I want to insert data into table such that I get output something like...

    Location  Id   UniqueNum     TotalEvents  RecordedDateTime           DataDatetime      LongestTime    AverageTime
    LocA	13768	00061DF110406	100	2009-10-21 08:51:22	2009-10-21 09:53:16	01:01:54	00:50:00
    LocA	11380	000886F810406	156	2009-10-21 09:18:53	2009-10-21 10:19:27	01:00:34	00:58:00
    LocA	823	000886F910406	765	2009-10-21 09:44:09	2009-10-21 10:44:50	01:00:41	00:48:20
    LocA	1302	000886FA10406	345	2009-10-21 09:59:23	2009-10-21 10:59:33	01:00:10	00:51:34
    LocA Total	                1366			                                01:01:54	00:51:59
    GRAND TOTAL                     4567                                                    09:55:09        19:09:45
    In actual scenario I have multiple locations, and will be displayed in the same way as LocA.
    Each location has no of Id's so each line summarises every Id, in the same way the Location Total row summarises each Location.
    In the end i will have a GRAND TOTAL row which would be the summary of the Location Total rows.

    Below is the code snippet ive used to obtain the above (not completely obtained what i want).

    Function (getAvgTime)
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.getAvgTime
    @AddTime INT
    declare @temp_mod1 nvarchar(100),@temp_mod2 nvarchar(100),@temp_mod3 nvarchar(100),@temp_mod4 nvarchar(100)
    declare @Hours nvarchar(100), @Min nvarchar(100), @Sec nvarchar(100),@Min_temp nvarchar(100), @FinalTime nvarchar(100)
    select @temp_mod1 = @AddTime/3600
    set @Hours = @temp_mod1
    select @temp_mod2 = @AddTime%3600
    set @Min_temp = @temp_mod2
    select @temp_mod3 = @temp_mod2/60
    set @Min = @temp_mod3
    select @temp_mod4 = @temp_mod2%60
    set @Sec = @temp_mod4
    select @FinalTime = @Hours + ':' + @Min + ':' + @Sec
    RETURN (@FinalTime)
    Code which calls the function

    declare @i INT, @j INT, @location nvarchar(100), @id INT, @Total NVARCHAR(50)
    declare @a NVARCHAR(100), @EventCount INT, @c NVARCHAR(100), @d NVARCHAR(100), @e NVARCHAR(100), @f NVARCHAR(100), @sql nvarchar(4000)
    declare @EventCount2 INT, @LongestTime2 NVARCHAR(100), @AverageTime2 NVARCHAR(100), @g nvarchar(100)
    declare @EventCount3 INT, @LongestTime3 NVARCHAR(100), @AverageTime3 NVARCHAR(100),@LocationTotal nvarchar(100), @LocationTotal2 nvarchar(100)
    declare @RecordedDateTime nvarchar(100), @DataDateTime nvarchar(100), @FindTime1 INT, @FindTime2 INT, @AddTime INT, @FindTime3 INT
    declare @FindTime4 INT, @LocationCount1 int, @LocationCount2 int, @AddTime2 int, @AddTime3 INT , @TimeinSec INT
    create table #TEMP( Location NVARCHAR(100),
                        Id INT,
                        UniqueNum NVARCHAR(100),
                        Events INT,
                        RecordedDateTime DATETIME,
                        DataDateTime DATETIME,
                        LongestTime NVARCHAR(100),
                        AverageTime NVARCHAR(100),
                        TimeinSec INT
    select distinct location
    into #temploc
    from dbo.Table1
    SET @i = (select count(*) from #temploc)
    while @i >0
         select top 1 @location = depot from #temploc
         delete from #temploc where @location = location
         select distinct id into #tempid
         from dbo.Table1
         where @location = location
         set @j = (select count(*) from #tempid)
         while @j >0
              select top 1 @id = id from #tempid
              delete from #tempid where @id = id
              SELECT @a = UniqueNum FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              SELECT @EventCount = count(Code) from dbo.Table1 where @Id= Id and @Location = Location
              SELECT @c = MAX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,RecordedDateTime,120)) FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              SELECT @d = MAX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,DataDateTime,120)) FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              SELECT @e = max(convert(nvarchar,DataDateTime - RecordedDateTime,108)) FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              select @FindTime1 = (((SUM(Datepart(hh,RecordedDateTime)*60*60))+(SUM(Datepart(mm,RecordedDateTime)*60)) + (SUM(Datepart(ss,RecordedDateTime))))) from dbo.Table1 WHERE @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              select @FindTime2 = (((SUM(Datepart(hh,DataDateTime)*60*60))+(SUM(Datepart(mm,DataDateTime)*60)) + (SUM(Datepart(ss,DataDateTime))))) from dbo.Table1 where @Id = Id and @Location = Location
              select @TimeinSec = (@FindTime1 + @FindTime2)/@EventCount
              SELECT @f = dbo.getAvgTime(@TimeinSec)
              (@Location, @Id, @a, @EventCount, @c, @d, @e, @f, @TimeinSec)
              set @j = @j -1
        drop table #tempid
        SELECT @LocationTotal = (@Location + ' Total')
        SELECT @LocationCount1 = COUNT(*) FROM #TEMP WHERE @Location = Location
        SELECT @EventCount2 = SUM(Events) FROM #TEMP WHERE @Location = Location
        SELECT @LongestTime2 = MAX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,LongestTime,120)) FROM #TEMP WHERE @Location = Location
        SELECT @FindTime3 = SUM(@TimeinSec) FROM #TEMP WHERE @Location = Location
        select @AddTime2 = @Findtime3/@LocationCount1
        select @AverageTime2 = dbo.getAvgTime(@AddTime2)
        (@DepotTotal, null, null, @EventCount2, null, null, @LongestTime2, @AverageTime2,@AddTime2)
        set @i = @i -1
    --drop table #tempdepot
    SELECT @LocationTotal2 = 'GRAND TOTAL'
    SELECT @LocationCount2 = COUNT(*) FROM #TEMP WHERE Location like '%Total%'
    SELECT @EventCount3 = SUM(Events) FROM #TEMP WHERE Location like '%Total%'
    SELECT @LongestTime3 = MAX(CONVERT(NVARCHAR,LongestTime,120)) FROM #TEMP WHERE Location like '%Total%'
    SELECT @FindTime4 = SUM(TimeinSec) FROM #TEMP WHERE Location like '%Total%'
    select @AddTime3 = @Findtime4/@DepotCount2
    select @AverageTime3 = dbo.getAvgTime(@AddTime3)
    (@DepotTotal2, null, null, @EventCount3, null, null, @LongestTime3, @AverageTime3,@AddTime3)
    Insert into dbo.MainTable
    select Location,Id,UniqueNum, Events,RecordedDateTime ,DataDateTime ,LongestTime ,AverageTime
    from #TEMP order by Location
    What i am still missing...

    1) When I insert the data into #TEMP table, the rows are being displayed in order ( i mean location names , then their total;s and so on). But in the last segment, when I insert data from Temp table into main table, the rows tumble ( i mean location names are not in order). How can i resolve it ??

    2) I have inserted Null into #TEMP table where i do not want to display a value in Total and GRAND TOTAL rows...but in the final table output i want a BLANK space and not NULL to be displayed. How can this be achieved.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Could anyone assist me here please..


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