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Thread: SQL string not pulling all access records

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Question SQL string not pulling all access records

    Hi Guys,
    Im trying to retrieve a recordset from mt database using some sql..
    Im managing to get some records but not all are getting retrieved.

    Its supposed to be an alphabetic search and the user enters a letter of the alphabet and the database should return every record thats name starts with the letter..

    Here is the sql string im using but its not quite right as i say t doesnt bring back all the records only some and wondered if anyone could advise.

    MySQL="SELECT * FROM table1 where field_name Like '" & strname & "%' ORDER BY field_name ASC"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Thumbs up

    Hi thanks for reading if you did, this is fixed now, the sql was fine it was something else that caused the bug..Thanks again. :-)

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