I'm setting up a checking/saving/budget database for myself to replace one I set up for myself some years ago.

I've run into a dilemma while setting up the tables.

Transactions (tblTransaction) have attributes like date, payee (queried from tblPayee), amount, and type (either debit or deposit). Of course, debit-type transactions have one payee and one amount. But for deposit-type transactions, I'd like to be able to record where the money came from when the money comes from multiple sources. For instance, say I go to the bank to make a $100 deposit. Maybe $50 of the $100 was cash from returning something to a store, $25 was a check from my employer reimbursing me for something, and the last $25 was misc cash from a drawer in my house.

So that's a $100 transaction that has 2 sources (aka payees, since I want to query them from tblPayee, they're really the same thing) with 2 amounts I want to record, and the remaining $25 that has no specified payee/source.

What's the best way to set these tables up?


Part 2: What is the term for what I'm asking about? Is it "db schema"? just "db design"? "db structure"? none of these? all of these?