Runtime Error in DTS Package
I have a DTS package that uses Active X to convert a word document to PDF. The package runs fine when called from the command line as DTSRun /S "(local)" /N "CreatePDF" /G "{53070739-28A1-4F56-AEE0-CFC7D89CF7E4}" /L "G:\DADocuments\Logfile.txt" /A "Document":"8"="G:\DADocuments\InvNarr09-05093.doc" /W "0" /E.
However, when I call this script using xp_cmdshell from a TSQL script it fails with ActiveX Scripting encountered a Run Time Error during the execution of the script.
I am running the script using the same user account that the sql server uses so I don't think it's a authentication issue. The only thing I can think of is that the API call to Word is failing. Can anyone find the problem? The Active X script is below:
Const WdPrintAllDocument = 0
Const WdDoNotSaveChanges = 0
Function DOC2PDF( sDocFile )
Dim fso ' As FileSystemObject
Dim wdo ' As Word.Application
Dim wdoc ' As Word.Document
Dim wdocs ' As Word.Documents
Dim sPrevPrinter ' As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wdo = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wdocs = wdo.Documents
sDocFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(sDocFile)
sFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(sDocFile)
sPrevPrinter = wdo.ActivePrinter
wdo.ActivePrinter = "novaPDF"
Set wdoc = wdocs.Open(sDocFile, , True )
wdo.ActiveDocument.PrintOut False
wdoc.Close WdDoNotSaveChanges
wdo.ActivePrinter = sPrevPrinter
wdo.Quit WdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wdo = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
Function Main()
Dim sDocFile
sDocFile = DTSGlobalVariables("Document").value
Call DOC2PDF( sDocFile )
Set arguments = Nothing
set sDocFile = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
Does it access remote file? If so, sql service account needs permission on it.
The whole package copies the file from and remote server then runs the active x on the local copy. I can see the local copy of the file and watch WINWORD.EXE load in the process manager, but then it does nothing until I kill Winword. After I kill Winword the process completes.
Can't run interactive app from sql.
So do you know an easier way to do this? Conversion on the fly?
Try create sql job to run the package and start job in your sp.
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