I am creating a procedure that allows me to increase a price for a specific hotel room in a specific hotel. however, when i try to compile the code i get this error:

Compilation failed,line 3 (16:03:02)
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of the following: begin function package pragma procedure subtype type use form current cursor external language

im not sure how to fix this. can anyone shed some light on this error?

here is a copy of my code:

create or replace procedure adjust_hotel
(hotel_name varchar2,
room# varchar2,
pct_adjust number) IS
current_val number(7,2);
new_current_val number(7,2);
adj_comments varchar2(100);

select price into current_val
from room, hotel
where room#=room_no
and hotel_name=name;

declare new_current_value number(7,2);

new_current_val:= current_val*(1 + pct_adjust);

update room
set price=new_current_val
where room#=room_no
and hotel_name=name;

adj_comments:= 'Price adjusted from ' || to_char(current_val,'$99999.99') || ' to ' || to_char(new_current_value,'$99999.99');

insert into hotel_adjustment
(adjustment_no, adjustment_date, hotel_no, room_no, comments)
(hotel_adj_seq.nextval, sysdate, hotel_no, branch_no, adj_comments);

end adjust_hotel;