I am new to SSIS and it would be great if someone could help me.

I am using an SSIS Package to import .log files into a database. The format of the log files are yyyymmddXYZ.log.

My SSIS Package consists of the following:
1. Execute SQL Task that truncates the destination (database) rows.
2. Data Flow Task inside a ForEach Loop
3. Data Flow Task Consists of Flate File Source,Derived Column and OLE Db Destination.

i am getting this error at Flat File Source when it tries to pull data from "today's" file "[Flat File Source [1]] Warning: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." for the last (11/03) .log file.
I think this is a valid message as there is another process that is updating "Today's" file. All the other (older than 11/02) .log files are getting imported into database without any errors.


I used the above link to skip the latest (today's) .log file.

I tried creating a variable(varFile):

@[User::FilePath] +


I put this variable in the Precedence COnstraint Editor as @[User::varFile] != "yes".

This doesnt seem to be working.i could be totally wrong. Can someone help me with the expression.

I need an expression to skip the "today's" .log file and i will place it in a Precedence Constraint (as per the blog)

Any help would be great.