
I've found this forum while trying to find a resolution to a problem that has been haunting me the entire day today. I cannot get the SUM to properly calculate values when joining two tables together.

I have two tables:

Table A (Math)
Student ID, Marks (out of 100 each)
20001, 75
20001, 85


Table B (Science)
Student ID, Marks
20001, 60
20001, 40

What I am trying to do is get a query that will SUM the marks for math and science for this student and display them as follows

Math, Science
160, 100

My query calculates the math fine, but science doesn't add up.

Select SUM(a.Marks) as "Math", SUM(b.Marks)as "Science"
from Table A as a
JOIN Table B as b on a.StudentId = b.StudentId
Where a.StudentId = 20001

I've tried different variations of the query, and if I take it apart it sums both properly, but when joined the Science is wrong.