Setting up classic ASPdb in Vista –
  1. Put id file in – C:\Windows\System32\_ASPDB2009.ID.
  2. Put GOLD2009.DLL (or equivalent) in any directory like C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPdb\Dev-2009\GOLD2009.DLL.
  3. Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPdb\Dev-2009\ and type - regsvr32 –u GOLD2009.DLL to clean up any previous DLL setup using regsvr32 which is not appropriate.
  4. Fire up component manager (C:\Windows\System32\comexp.msc).
  5. Setup a COM+ Application (Classic ASPdb)
  6. If there is an old setup, delete all the ‘balls’ and shut down ‘Classic ASPdb’.
  7. Setup new component from C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPdb\Dev-2009\GOLD2009.DLL.
  8. Highlight all the balls (Ctrl-A) and in the Advanced tab – check Allow IIS intrinsic properties.
  9. Execute the test file license.asp as follow -
Set x = Server.CreateObject("ASP.db")
response.write("Version = " & X.dbVersion & "<BR>" & X.dbLicense)
