table name:mobile and three column named id,msg_text,mobile.
i need to know the mobile number which has maximum messages and all of this message.

id msg_text mobile
1 sarter rtert ert ertertet 1234
2 hi there 1234
3 akono ki 1234
4 sdf fsdf sdfsdf 1234
5 akono ki 1234
6 sdf fsdf sdfsdf 1234
7 kono din ki ashbe 2345
8 nare bai ashboan 2345
9 managing director 3456
10 kono ashe hari na 3456


id msg_text mobile
1 sarter rtert ert ertertet 1234
2 hi there 1234
3 akono ki 1234
4 sdf fsdf sdfsdf 1234
5 akono ki 1234
6 sdf fsdf sdfsdf 1234

i have tried and i got also an answer like this. but is not complete as it would give wrong answer

SELECT * FROM `mobile` WHERE mobile= select mobile
from mobile group by (mobile) limit 0 ,1

please if anyone can , then give me the answer