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Thread: SQL Query

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    SQL Query

    Hey all.

    Have a relational model i am working with.
    Department(DeptNum, Descrip, Instname, DeptName, State, Postcode)
    Academic(AcNum, DeptNum, FamName, GiveName, Initials, Title)
    Paper(PaNum, Title)
    Author(PaNum, AcNum)
    Field(FieldNum, ID, Title)
    Interest(FieldNum, AcNum, Descrip)

    I have 10 questions to do, im stuck on a couple of questions.
    The questions i am stuck on are:

    2. Which academics in Victoria have fewer than 2 research interests? Output the same details as in question 1.
    You must use NATURAL JOIN.
    8. Among the academics who have no papers, who has the greatest number of interests? List the AcNum,
    FamName, and GiveName of the academic.
    9. Which academics in the “NLP Research Unit” department have co-authored papers with whom they do not
    share an interest? Return their AcNum, FamName and GiveName.
    10. Active researchers are academics who have at least two research interests and have written at least two
    papers. Among the departments that have academics, which departments have at least 10 active
    researchers? Return their DeptNum and total number of active researchers in descending order.

    Could anyone please explain to me how i would go about doing those questions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Oklahoma City, OK
    I would recommend reading your course ware. so that you do it the desired way the course wants.
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