Mr Pearson,
I've enjoyed your AS and MDX very much over the past two years.
I'm using the "Business Intelligence Wizard" and have scripts but don't know the next steps. I suppose you would have covered that in "Mastering Enterprise BI: Time Intelligence Pt. III"
Did you ever get to that?
I'm having a hard time understanding the syntax.
For example:
Begin Time Intelligence script for the [TimeYMD].[TimeYMD] hierarchy.

Create Member
CurrentCube.[TimeYMD].[TimeYMD TimeYMD Calculations].[Day Over Day Growth]
As "NA" ;

) ;

// Day Over Day Growth
[TimeYMD].[TimeYMD TimeYMD Calculations].[Day Over Day Growth],
[TimeYMD].[Day attribute 7].[Day attribute 7].Members ( 1 ) : Null,
[TimeYMD].[time_id 2].Members
) =

( [TimeYMD].[TimeYMD TimeYMD Calculations].DefaultMember ) -
( [TimeYMD].[TimeYMD TimeYMD Calculations].DefaultMember,
) ;

[TimeYMD].[TimeYMD TimeYMD Calculations].[Day Over Day Growth],
[TimeYMD].[Day attribute 7].[Day attribute 7].Members ( 0 ),
[TimeYMD].[time_id 2].Members
) = Null ;

End Scope ;

End Time Intelligence script for the [TimeYMD].[TimeYMD] hierarchy.

I would like to read and understand how to deconstruct what this is doing. Scope and "= NULL;" are new to me.
1) does the formula begin after the "NA"? But it does not show in "Form View" for [Day Over Day Growth], why?
2) [Day Over Day Growth]'s parent member (time) does not allow [Day Over Day Growth] to show in calculated members section of the cube browser. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Stuff like that.
Seems like a powerful wizard but I need a good article or two to get it.

Thank you very much,