I can't believe I need help with this one, but regrettably I do !!

I have three tables ... One, Two and Three, which represent 3 dimensions.

They are populated with 1, 2 and 2 records respectively.

I use these tables to create a product table OneTwoThree at a point in time with 4 records (1 * 2 * 2).

I created a view to monitor the dimension tables directly, with the intention of finding new dimensions (when they are created in either One, Two or Three) and inserting the new records into table OneTwoThree.

My problem is I cannot successfully identify the new records.

Now to my code ...

CREATE TABLE [ald].[tblOne](
[id1] [varchar](5) NULL


CREATE TABLE [ald].[tblTwo](
[id2] [varchar](5) NULL


CREATE TABLE [ald].[tblThree](
[id3] [varchar](5) NULL


Table OneTwoThree is populated using the view ...

create view [ald].[vwOneTwoThree]
select *
from (select * from bi_development.ald.tblOne) One cross join
(select * from bi_development.ald.tblTwo) Two cross join
(select * from bi_development.ald.tblThree) Three

I then add a new member to the tbleOne dimension ... day2

I now want to find the new dimension permutations that need to be added to bring the OneTwoThree table up-to-date.

View Results:
select * from ald.vwOneTwoThree

id1 id2 id3
day1 prd1 str1
day2 prd1 str1 < new record
day1 prd2 str1
day2 prd2 str1 < new record
day1 prd1 str2
day2 prd1 str2 < new record
day1 prd2 str2
day2 prd2 str2 < new record

Table Results:
select * from ald.tblOneTwoThree

id1 id2 id3
day1 prd1 str1
day1 prd2 str1
day1 prd1 str2
day1 prd2 str2

select v123.id1,v123.id2,v123.id3,t123.id1,t123.id2,t123. id3
from ald.vwOneTwoThree v123 left outer join
ald.tblOneTwoThree t123 on
v123.id1 = t123.id1 and
v123.id2 = t123.id2 and
v123.id3 = t123.id3

id1 id2 id3 id1 id2 id3
day1 prd1 str1 day1 prd1 str1
day2 prd1 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd2 str1 day1 prd2 str1
day2 prd2 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd1 str2 day1 prd1 str2
day2 prd1 str2 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd2 str2 day1 prd2 str2
day2 prd2 str2 NULL NULL NULL

I want to isolate the new records .... by selecting only those records with NULL

select v123.id1,v123.id2,v123.id3,t123.id1,t123.id2,t123. id3
from ald.vwOneTwoThree v123 left outer join
ald.tblOneTwoThree t123 on
v123.id1 = t123.id1 and
v123.id2 = t123.id2 and
v123.id3 = t123.id3 and
t123.id1 is null and
t123.id2 is null and
t123.id3 is null

... yet the query returns everything ...

id1 id2 id3 id1 id2 id3
day1 prd1 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day2 prd1 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd2 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day2 prd2 str1 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd1 str2 NULL NULL NULL
day2 prd1 str2 NULL NULL NULL
day1 prd2 str2 NULL NULL NULL
day2 prd2 str2 NULL NULL NULL

This approach works for 2 tables but I assume I need a different approach for 3.

Any help would be much appreciated !!