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Thread: Custom MDX query in SSMS run in Excel

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Custom MDX query in SSMS run in Excel

    I wrote a custom mdx query in SQL Server Management Studio and would like to be able to run in Excel. The attachment is a screenshot of the query and the output. If not Excel, any suggestions on another client app?

    This query will not work in Reporting Services, where I used the query generator interface with success.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Atlanta and Manhattan

    It Will Indeed Run In Reporting Services ...

    It will indeed run in Reporting Services!

    You will have to reorganize the query to put measures in the columns ("0") axis, and the rest in the row ("1") axis. This will deliver a rowset that will not resemble what you picture as what you are after within the affected dataset. At that point, you create your columns / rows in the report layout, exactly as you prefer them, via a table or matrix data region.

    HTH, and Good Luck!


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