I have a Matrix column which I want to conditionally format based on the column group value. This works in most cases but there are some cells in column in which I can not access the column's group value so the conditional format does not work.

The cell uses following expression:
=IIF(Fields!PercentOccupancy.Value IS NOTHING,"0",Fields!PercentOccupancy.Value)

The column group is Matrix1_YearGroup - it's expression is

My conditional format expression:
=IIF(Parameters!Year.value(0)=Fields!Year.Value,"B lack","Red")

in some cases Fields!Year.value equals blank - so causing conditional expression to fail.

My question is: can I access the column group value of Matrix1_YearGroup inside the blank cell? It has the correct Year value in the column header so it most know the group value even if Year.value is blank in a particular cell.