Database structure command optimization

The utility of my database would be take control of multiple parameters associated to logical fields to decide if I want to include in a report or not.

There is several fields like Name, Address and Country.

But the rest of them are personalized fields according to logical fields, and only appear their content in reports if the logical field is True . This fields grow with the time passing by adding some to the database

So I wanted know them following a criteria

MD0000AB , where 0000 is a correlative number and AB a combination of two letter.
And so on with other sub-classes MJ0000AB, PC0000AB, etc.

and the logical fields associated to them with the name format LLMD0000AB, LLMJ0000AB, LLPC0000AB.

I ask if exist a form more easy to design my database for simplicity and new fields in the future.

The filter must say , by example : LLMD0001cd is True , then MD0001cd is part of the report . Other case is not part of the report.

The lenguage I'm using is dBASE type, but any else would be interesting to orient me about the sinxtaxis to follow.

Excuse my language. I'm from Canary Islands