Hi, I am quite new to Olap,and have been using excel 2007 as the olap browser. I have come to a problem that I cannot solve - In fact I have been at it for the past 2 days, and frankly close to giving up.
The problem is that I have a collumn named customer, and have a drilldown for product, and across I have 2 years for analysis.

Customer code Value 2007 Value2008
Products Value 2007 Value2008

What I am after is the Value2008 less Value2007. I have tried the following formula but am getting an error The '2007' string cannot be converted to the date type.

The output for the above is a variance, however I can live with a formula to get 2007 values, and 2008 values in a separate formula and then subtract.
Thanks in anticipation for anyone who can help.