I have a blob which is essentially an email and I need to replace all carriage returns in the blob with a special character ("‰"). But it does not work. Please advice.

Dim intBlobLen As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Row.body.Length)
Dim intFinish As Integer = intBlobLen - 1

Dim bytBlob(intFinish) As Byte
bytBlob = Row.body.GetBlobData(0, intFinish)

Dim strBlob As String = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytBlob)
strBlob = Replace (strBlob,"/n","‰")

If strBlob.Length > 0 Then
Row.body.AddBlobData(System.Text.Encoding.Unicode. GetBytes(strBlob))
End If

Please help. Thanks in advance