I'm new to database designing and I have a project assessment to develop a database for managing a school sports event.The data requirements are:
pupils participate in the following events
Field hockey – teams usually have 11 players.
Rugby - teams usually have 15 players.
50m free-style swimming race – individuals race against each other.
200m relay - team members take turns to run parts of a circuit.

All the pupils are required to participate in at least 2 events. The 50m swimming race and 200m relay are conducted separately for each class. For the 200m relay, pupils in a class are invited to form several 6-member teams. Classes usually have 25-30 pupils.

For rugby and field hockey, pupils in the school are divided into four age groups:

Class Age group
S1 & S2 11-13
S3 & S4 14-15
S5 16
S6 17-18
Pupils in each age group are asked to sign up for one of the two rugby teams in their age group. Similarly pupils in each age group are also asked to signup for 1 of the 2 field hockey teams in their age group. Boys and girls both participate in each of the teams. If any age group has fewer pupils than required to form 2 standard teams, they are allowed to form teams smaller than the standard but equal in size. In each age group, the 2 teams play against each other. Each team is given a name.

Each of the events requires some equipment such as goal posts, a ball, a stopwatch. Each of the events needs to be supervised by a member of staff. Some pupils in the school may not be medically fit for participating in some of the events. The school is interested in only recording the winner in each event. However, a comment about each event is required where the detailed scores, and any other details about an event, can be recorded. It is usual practice to release official photos of the sports day so digital photos of events should be stored.

I have been able to come up with the entities and their attributes but i need help in designing an EER and a translate the model into a relational model.
My tables Pupil(PupilID, ClassID,PfName,PlName,PAge), Class(ClassID,ClassName,ClassClassType), Event(EvntID,EventName,EventTime,StaffID),EventRes ults(EventID,PupilID,position),Equipment(Equipment Name,EventID), Staff(StaffID,SfName,SlName), Team(TeamID,teamName), TeamMembers(teamID,pupilID).
Please help