Hi all.

I have posted this question in another forum but no one has so far been able to provide a solution to the problem. Since I know Database Journal always has very informative and enlightening posts, I figured I'd post the question here in hopes that some guru can provide an answer.

If you're running SQL 2000 and have any jobs that have been executed, you could perform a query as such:

select last_run_time from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps

and receive returned values that contain the last time a job was executed "stored in integer datatype" columns. See ->
sp_help sysjobsteps.

In SQL 2005 I believe the concept is the same. I think the intent of Microsoft had it mind for doing this was to store the date separate from the time values which won't work using the datetime datatype and I have read this in documentation in the past.

The challenge is to convert that data into a humanly legible 12 or 24 hour time format like 11:00 AM or 02:45:39.

Does anyone have any suggestions or clues to assist in resolving this problem???
