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Thread: Mid, Left, Right Functions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Mid, Left, Right Functions


    The records in my table field contains [first name], [last name] together and I can't remember how to separate them without defining the number of characters. What I would is to read any alpha characters before the comma (for first name) and alpha characters after the comma (for last name).
    Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Mid, Left, Right Functions

    I think you may want to use the Instr function to return the location of the string that you are trying to use for example:

    Index = Instr(1, "Bush, George", ",") would return 5.

    Thereafter, you can use Mid, Left or Right Functions. As for me, I would use Mid function thus:

    LastName = Mid (vFullName, 1, (Index - 1)) would return

    In this case I'm assuming that the variable vFullName = "Bush, George"


    The Alchemist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shell
    The records in my table field contains [first name], [last name] together and I can't remember how to separate them without defining the number of characters. What I would is to read any alpha characters before the comma (for first name) and alpha characters after the comma (for last name).
    Please help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Maitland NSW Australia

    Mid, Left, Right Functions

    Here is two functions that will help you

    staff_first will give you the person's first name, staff_surname will give the person's surname. This assume the person's name is in the format [first name], [last name]

    staff_name is string [first name], [last name] e.g. "James,Brown"

    Function staff_surname (staff_name)

    Dim temp_name As String
    Dim position_indicator As Integer

    temp_name = Trim(staff_name)
    position_indicator = InStr(temp_name, ",")
    If position_indicator > 0 Then
    staff_surname= Trim(Mid(temp_name, position_indicator + 1))
    staff_surname = Null
    End If

    End Function

    Function staff_first(staff_name)

    Dim temp_name As String
    Dim position_indicator As Integer

    temp_name = Trim(staff_name)
    position_indicator = InStr(temp_name, ",")

    If position_indicator > 0 Then
    staff_first = Trim(Mid(temp_name, 1, position_indicator - 1))
    staff_first = Null
    End If

    End Function

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