I am having problems with using a default value for table columns - see code below:

set ansi_defaults on

create table hbd1
(a integer,
b integer default 0

insert into hbd1
(a) values (1)

select * from hbd1

gives results:
(1 row(s) affected)

a b
----------- ----------
1 (null)

(1 row(s) affected)

amending the code to
set ansi_defaults off

create table hbd1
(a integer,
b integer default 0

insert into hbd1
(a) values (1)

select * from hbd1

gives results:
Msg 233, Level 16, State 2
The column b in table hbd1 may not be null.

Anyone help with why the column is not applying the default value ???

Harry Dickinson