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Thread: need help [check my SP its not working fine]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    need help [check my SP its not working fine]

    Hello everyone, im using SQL Server 2000, here is my table:

    Table1: Buyers
    BuyerID int
    ParentID int
    MerchantCode varchar(20) (each buyer has unique merchant code we say that its login is Merchant Code)
    PinCode (this is used as a password for the buyers login)
    ApprovalStatusCode int (FK, data is for authentication:Pending Approval, Approved, Cancelled)
    IsCliEnabled smallint
    Clis varchar(100) (this is the CSV: 12345, 2346,....)[as each buyer has more that 1 CLi values so this field is in CSV form data)

    //Now buyers also has SubAccounts (Table2) that was made for his workers or some one else (Not necessary every buyer has SubAccounts)

    Table2: Buyers SubAccounts
    AccountNumber smallint
    PinCode varchar(64)
    CreateDate datetime

    now here is my SP,

    CREATE PROCEDURE IvrAuthenticateBuyer

    @MerchantCode varchar(20),
    @PinCode varchar(64),
    @CLI varchar(15)

    -- For testing i give values at here
    declare @MerchantCode varchar(20)
    set @merchantCode='000000010'
    declare @PinCode varchar(64)
    set @PinCode='1234656'
    declare @CLI varchar(15)
    set @CLI='12345'

    declare @BuyerID int
    declare @ApprovalStatusCode smallint
    declare @IsCliEnabled smallint
    declare @Clis varchar(1000)

    -- buyerID get by checking only 8 digits of merchant code (omit last one)
    -- if last digit of merchant code are > "0" then
    -- get them in a variable
    -- check if the account is approved
    -- check if CLI is enabled, if yes, check if @cli is in the list

    SELECT @BuyerID = BuyerID, @ApprovalStatusCode = ApprovalStatusCode,
    @IsCliEnabled = IsCLIEnabled, @Clis = coalesce(@Clis+',','')+CLIs
    FROM Buyers
    WHERE MerchantCode = @MerchantCode

    --select @BuyerID
    --select @IsCliEnabled
    --select @ApprovalStatusCode
    --select @Clis
    -- chk all conditions

    if @ApprovalStatusCode <> 2
    raiserror('Account is not Approved',16,1)

    select @BuyerID


    if (@IsCliEnabled=1) --check whether true
    begin --Main Begin

    --charindex will return value greater than 0 if CLI is found in list
    -- if charindex('34534',@Clis)>0
    if ','+@Clis+',' like '%,'+@CLI +',%'
    print 'CLI found in CSV list'
    raiserror('CLI NOT found in CSV list',16,1)

    end --Main End
    raiserror('CLI NOT ENABLED',16,1)

    -- Get Last Digit of Merchant Code and stored them in a variable

    declare @SubAccountNo varchar(2)
    select @SubAccountNo = Substring(@MerchantCode,8,1)

    -- Check It is SubAccount or the Buyer's Main Account

    if convert(int, @SubAccountNo) > 0
    select 1
    from BuyerSubAccounts
    where PinCode=@PinCode
    select 1
    from Buyers
    where PinCode=@PinCode

    that is used for Buyer Authenticate, but i dont know whats wrong with this as its not working fine now,
    as if i give wrong password then it also retuns the error of if i give wrong CLi same its runs without giving any error. Kindly
    check it whats wrong with this as i m in much trouble still can't find out the actual problem in my SP. So i requested to all of u
    plz help me and make my SP correct.

    Thanx in Advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    168 if i give wrong password then it also retuns the error of if i give wrong CLi ...
    Probably this should be if i give wrong MerchantCode then it also returns ....., since the Password as stated is the @Pincode that is not used in any "control" statement...
    (unless the statement that retrieves values ...FROM Buyers.. contains the @Pincode but is not displayed in your post:

    SELECT @BuyerID = BuyerID, @ApprovalStatusCode = .....
    FROM Buyers
    WHERE MerchantCode = @MerchantCode
    AND Pincode = @Pincode)

    So, when an invalid @MerchantCode (a code that does NOT exist in the db) or a wrong @Pincode (in case @Pincode is used in the variables retrieval) are provided, then the following statement :

    SELECT @BuyerID = BuyerID, @ApprovalStatusCode = ApprovalStatusCode, 
    @IsCliEnabled = IsCLIEnabled, @Clis = coalesce(@Clis+',','')+CLIs
    FROM Buyers
    WHERE MerchantCode = @MerchantCode
    AND Pincode = @PinCode
    returns NO result, thus all variables @BuyerID , @ApprovalStatusCode, @IsCliEnabled, @Clis are NULL.

    These NULL values are causing the "trouble" in combination with the SET ANSI_NULLS setting that is probably ON.

    Having NULL @variable values and SET ANSI_NULLS ON here is the flow:

    if @ApprovalStatusCode <> 2 --> FALSE (so, no 'Account is not Approved' error is raised)

    if (@IsCliEnabled=1) --> this is False, so skip all controls
    begin --Main Begin
    end --Main End
    else --> the following code of control statement is executed
    raiserror('CLI NOT ENABLED',16,1)

    In conclusion, when an invalid @MerchantCode (and/or and invalid @PinCode) is provided, then procedure returns CLI NOT ENABLED.

    Option 1:
    Place a control statement after retrieving variables:

    IF @BuyerID IS NULL
    raiserror('Invalid Account or Password',16,1)

    and handle cases of NULL values:
    if ISNULL(@ApprovalStatusCode, 0) <> 2
    if (ISNULL(@IsCliEnabled, 0) =1) ...and so on.

    Option 2:
    Initialize variables before the SELECT ... FROM Buyers statement.
    SELECT @ApprovalStatusCode = 0, @IsCliEnabled = 0, @Clis = ''

    SELECT ... FROM Buyers

    Control statement of @BuyerID value


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