need some help converting a table which has one row for each year. Displaying the data so the each row will contain all of the information for the title and all of the years displayed in separate columns. I am using SQL 2000 and (web application).

I have a SQL Querry which returns the data looking like this (the querry is grouping by Title and by year, then adding up the quantity of rows):

Basic Information needed for Life Insurance 25 2005
Basic Information needed for Life Insurance 45 2006
Ea Chairmans Conference 10 2005
EA Chairmans Conference Press Release 33 2005
EA Chairmans Conference Press Release 21 2006
EA Chairmans Inner Circle Press Release 16 2005
EA Chairmans Inner Circle Press Release 46 2006
EA Honor Ring Press Release 13 2005
EA Honor Ring Press Release 35 2006
EA National Conference Press Release 6 2005
EA National Conference Press Release 9 2006

I need this data displayed like this:

Title 2005 2006
Basic Information needed for Life Insurance 25 45
Ea Chairmans Conference 10 10
EA Chairmans Conference Press Release 33 21
EA Chairmans Inner Circle Press Release 16 46
EA Honor Ring Press Release 13 35
EA National Conference Press Release 6 9

What I want to do is to basically say:

If Row 1 Title = Row 2 Title and Row 1 Year = Row 2 (Year + 1)) Then

add to grid Row 1 Title, Row 1 Qty, Row 2 Qty

Skip Row 2 and go to Row 3 (repeat this step until end of data)


Is there any way in the SQL querry to retrieve this data in this format so that I can display it in a datagrid?

Is there any way to display the data in this pattern.

Below is the code I am using now, but since the moving of the data is done in code it is very slow.
****************** Global Variables

Dim dbName As String = "Region_Web_Page_Hits"
Dim ColumnCount As Integer

Function ReturnColumnHeaderAndHitsDataSet() As System.Data.DataSet
'******** This will bring back the column Headers and Gross Hits per Column
Dim ColumnHeaderAndHitsQueryString As String = "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT " & _
"YEAR(dat_Date) AS str_Year, COUNT(str_PageName) AS int_YearHits " & _
"FROM dbo.tbl_web_page_hits " & _
"WHERE (str_URL LIKE N'%press_Release%') " & _
"GROUP BY YEAR(dat_Date) " & _
"HAVING (Not (Year(dat_Date) Is NULL)) " & _
"ORDER BY YEAR(dat_Date)"

Dim ColumnHeaderAndHitsDataSet = LoadDataArray(ColumnHeaderAndHitsQueryString, dbName)
Return ColumnHeaderAndHitsDataSet
End Function

Function ReturnTableDataSet() As System.Data.DataSet
'This query string will return the data needed to display the report.
Dim TableQueryString As String = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT " & _
"str_PageName, COUNT (str_PageName) AS int_Hits, YEAR(dat_Date) AS str_Year " & _
"FROM dbo.tbl_web_page_hits WHERE str_URL LIKE '%Press_Release%' " & _
"GROUP BY str_PageName, YEAR(dat_Date) ORDER BY str_PageName"
Dim TableDataSet = LoadDataArray(TableQueryString, dbName)
ColumnCount = TableDataSet.Tables(0).Columns.Count
Return TableDataSet
End Function

'******* Function to Load the Data Array
Function LoadDataArray(ByVal queryString, ByVal dbName) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim ConnectionString As String = ConnectionStr(dbName)
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection)
Dim dataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
Dim dataSet As DataSet = New DataSet
Return dataSet
End Function

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim Sort_Field As String = ""
dg_Data.DataSource = QueryMethod(Sort_Field)
End If
End Sub

Currently I have a bunch of Classic ASP code which puts the data in to an array and then into a table with a series of if statments, but it is really slow.

I want to bind it to a data grid and if possible let the SQL statement format the data for me.