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Thread: Top in subgroups of a table, Any way to do so

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Top in subgroups of a table, Any way to do so

    I need to get out the 3 oldest dates for each Client. Generically, I'd like to enter the following:

    Select User in X, Top 3 Date in X, order Date descending
    From X.

    Forgiveness requested for poor SQK. I would like to do this in Access as I don't know that much SQL or VisualBasic but will learn them as needed as this is a my main client's real need.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    This is what the SQL would look like:

    SELECT TOP 3 tblData.UserName, tblData.DateEntered
    FROM tblData
    ORDER BY tblData.DateEntered DESC;

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I think what you have is the TOP in a table. I need multiple tops, i.e. one set for each user. E.g. what are the last three non-green visits by each patient. From this I plan to remove those with only one or two visits and use the third visit as a "breakpoint" for eamining the data of each person with 3 or more "non-green" entries.

    If this is what your query does, I am surely missing something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    From what it seems like you want, GolferGuy's query won't do. I think this is what you are looking for (using T-SQL):

    SELECT A.[user], A.[date]
    FROM TableX AS A JOIN TableX AS B
    ON A.[user] = B.[user] AND A.[date] >= B.[date]
    GROUP BY A.[user], A.[date]
    HAVING COUNT(*) <= 3

    This assumes that the combination of [user] and [date] creates unique records. If not, you need to add more columns to the JOIN to create uniqueness. I don't know how this would translate to Access, however.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Thanks for a clever approach. I don't need to use Access since Access supports partial and full SQL queries. I particularly like have a single query select out the the 3s or less rather than a subquery that basically scans the data twice.

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