hi folks,

i have a schema with a fac table that possess ONE columns with multiple items in it.
somethign like this:

| carID | carAccessories |
| 12 | ABDFE |
| 23 | DEHJKL |

where each letter on carAccessories means a particular Car Accessory (radio, air-con, spoiller, .. ), with a maximun of 8 values allowed, . I have another table that could be considered to be a 'dimension table' although it is not related to this fact one via any primary or foreigner key.

so my question is, on OLAP, how should i go about creating a cube that would enable user to query data as follows:

any vehicle with a particular accessory ( letter A in carAccessories )
a combination of accessories ( letters B, D, F )

i would be prepared to split these values into 8 different columns.

i would very much appreciate your views.

