Hi All,

I am working on Datawarehouse and cubes for the first time and am very new to MDX.

I have a requirement, which i guess should be satisified by MDX but dont know the actual way to do it. I have tried n no of ways, please let me know if its possible and is yes, how.

In my fact table, i have userid, signupdate and deletedate columns

In the cube, i have a measure 'User Fact' which is count of rows in Fact table. Also, i have 2 Date Dimensions as 'Signup Date Dim' and 'Delete Date Dim'.

Signup Date Signups
1/1/05 3
2/1/05 4

Deletion Date Deletions
1/1/05 2
2/1/05 1

Now, if i choose 'User Fact' on columns and 'Signup Date Dim', i get the # of signups on the Date. Similarly, i get # of deletions from 'User Fact' on columns and 'Delete Date Dim'.

But, i need a output, where i have

Date Signups Deletions
1/1/05 3 2
2/1/05 4 1

I m not sure how to combine the dimensions and display a common report.

I am using Yukon server and SQL 2005 Reporting Services for report display, so if there is anyways i can combine 2 datasets in reporting services, so that i can create 2 different datasets for signups and deletions and combine it in reporting services.

Please help me out with this.
Sumit Pilankar