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Thread: design help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    design help

    i m trying to solve a problem for last couple of days and would appreciate any help...

    i have a transction which i record transactions from one location to another location...


    TransID FromLocationID ToLocationID

    there are other fields too but i m mentioning this important one.

    There are two types of Locations one is hospital and the other is warehouse. Details of each is kept in their respective tables..

    The FRomLocationID, ToLocationID comes from the following table

    LocationID, LocationType (hospital or warehouse) ,ActualID

    in the above i would assign a unique LocationID but the ActualID would either come from the hospital table or from the warehouse table...The problem is that how can i join it from the transaction if the location if of type hospital then i get the value from hospital table..and vice versa...I have to create a view for all this..also i have to create reports..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Select ....
    From Transactions T
    Inner Join Locations LFrom On LFrom.LocationID = T.FromLocationID
    Inner Join Hospitals HFrom On HFrom.HospitalID = LFrom.ActualID And LFrom.LocationType = 'hospital'
    Inner Join Locations LTo On LTo.LocationID = T.ToLocationID
    Inner Join Hospitals HTo On HTo.HospitalID = LTo.ActualID And LTo.LocationType = 'hospital'
    Select ....
    From Transactions T
    Inner Join Locations LFrom On LFrom.LocationID = T.FromLocationID
    Inner Join Warehouses HFrom On HFrom.WarehouseID = LFrom.ActualID And LFrom.LocationType = 'warehouse'
    Inner Join Locations LTo On LTo.LocationID = T.ToLocationID
    Inner Join Warehouses HTo On HTo.WarehouseID = LTo.ActualID And LTo.LocationType = 'warehouse'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thanx for the reply..i appreciate your help..i would try to consume this..and if have problem will post the message.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i just want to ask can this be done to create a view because you canot use union in a view and i must create a view so that the vb application can just extracts the data and present it to the user
    Last edited by kamran26; 11-17-2005 at 10:40 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You can use a union in a view.

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