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Thread: Can't edit data in form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Phoenix, AZ

    Can't edit data in form

    I'm trying to edit Config on my form but I can't since it is written to pull from an outside table in the procedure and renaming it as ConfigF. This is the procedure I have. I need to make the configF editable. Thanks!

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.proc_getsched
    (@v_acid int = '195')
    AS SELECT id,
    (SELECT tailnum
    FROM aircraft
    WHERE id = s.acid) AS tailnum, sched, dadate,
    (SELECT TOP 1 config
    WHERE acid = s.acid AND CONVERT(VARCHAR, flysheet.dadate, 101) = CONVERT(VARCHAR, s.dadate, 101)) AS configF, config, acid,
    DATENAME(dw, dadate) AS strdate
    FROM dbo.sched s
    WHERE (acid = @v_acid)
    ORDER BY dadate

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I don't know what you mean about making the column editable, but I thought I'd clean up the SELECT statement in the proc a little bit:

    flysheet.config AS configF,
    DATENAME(dw, dadate) AS strdate
    FROM dbo.sched s
    JOIN aircraft ON s.acid =
    JOIN flysheet ON s.acid = flysheet.acid AND CONVERT(VARCHAR, flysheet.dadate, 101) = CONVERT(VARCHAR, s.dadate, 101)
    --JOIN flysheet ON s.acid = flysheet.acid AND DATEDIFF(d, flysheet.dadate, s.dadate) = 0
    WHERE acid = @v_acid
    ORDER BY dadate

    I added the second "JOIN flysheet ... " statement (commented out) just because I thought it might be a little faster (can try it out to be sure).
    This might need some tweaking if you really need to select "top 1" from flysheet, a sign of denormalization.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Phoenix, AZ

    Can't edit data in form

    I tried your procedure and it is faster but couldn't get all the data to pull. It is editable though which is great and what I needed. Here is the data it is pulling.
    id tailnum sched dadate config configF acid strdate
    254046 3816 SP 24-Oct-05 C23FM 201 Monday
    254048 3816 SP 26-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Wednesday
    254049 3816 FLY 27-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Thursday
    254049 3816 FLY 27-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Thursday
    254050 3816 FLY 28-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Friday

    Now here is how it should pull:

    id tailnum sched dadate configF config acid strdate
    254046 3816 SP 24-Oct-05 C23FM 201 Monday
    254047 3816 WA 25-Oct-05 C23F 201 Tuesday
    254048 3816 SP 26-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Wednesday
    254049 3816 FLY 27-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Thursday
    254050 3816 FLY 28-Oct-05 C20FM 201 Friday
    254051 3816 29-Oct-05 201 Saturday
    254052 3816 30-Oct-05 201 Sunday

    It seems not to be pulling all the days of the week. I tried fiddling with it but always got the same data to pull as your procedure. I hope this helps. Thanks

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