installed and deployed the mysql standard 5.0.15 server for MacOS X 10.4 Tiger powerpc on my PowerMac G4 MDD.

I'm trying to create a database on the server that my TA created for a class (BioIT Genome and Proteome analysis), but for some reason, mysql is complaining that there are syntax errors near 2 parenthesis in the database code. Specifically in the creation of the table 'Chain.' I can't seem to find the errors. It is an extremely simple and small database:

drop database hw6;

create database hw6;

use hw6;

create table Chain
    chain_id  integer        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    pdb_chain varchar(5) BINARY NOT NULL,
    chainLen  smallint   UNSIGNED,
    seqPDB    text,
    INDEX chain_idx(chain_id),
    UNIQUE INDEX chian_pdb_idx(pdb_chain)

create table BLAST_ali
    ali_id           integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    chain_id         integer NOT NULL,
    date             datetime,
    identity         float,
    alignment_length smallint UNSIGNED,
    mismatches       smallint UNSIGNED,
    gap_openings     smallint UNSIGNED,
    q_start          smallint,
    q_end            smallint,
    s_start          smallint,
    s_end            smallint,
    e_value          float,
    bit_score        float,
    FOREIGN KEY (chain_id) references Chain(chain_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    INDEX chain_idx(chain_id),

create table FASTA_ali
    ali_id           integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    chain_id         integer NOT NULL,
    date             datetime,
    Length           smallint,
    Identity         float,
    Ungapped         float,
    Overlap          smallint,
    E                float,
    FOREIGN KEY (chain_id) references Chain(chain_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    INDEX chain_idx(chain_id),

**I made some changes: Specifically, I changed my TA's use of 'int' to 'integer'.

My TA created the database in class and deployed it on our Suse Linux x86 IA-32 cluster. The mysql version running on the cluster is 4.0.12.

Can anyone running a mysql 5.0.15 server test this out?