While its known and acknowledge that stored procedures greatly help in increasing the speed of our database queries, i am unaware of the benefits of user defined functions. In a current project, i have used them quite a lot espically in stored procedures.

For example,
if i hav a table Users with
UserID int,
Username nvarchar(50),
one of the functions i made was fn_GetUserNameFromUserID(@UserID)
which returns the name of the person,

so instead of long joins to get usernames, i wud easily be able to get the name of a person if userid is another table say X.
so i could so select fn_GetUsernamefromUserid(X.UserID).

While i do realize that a simple join is nice, but sometime when a query involoves 3 + tables, it makes life simopler. CAn anyone tell me about the performance overhead of this, or is this the proper approach to using user defined functions.
