ol_num ap# cnt gr_dt
1111 M1 040 12/31/03
1212 M2 345 1/1/04
2122 A1 340 11/21/03
2126 AB 753
3333 DB 748 1/11/04

file_id ol_num gr_dt
1 1111 12/31/03
2 1111 04/30/05
1 1212 1/1/04
2 2126 11/30/04
3 2122 10/30/03
4 2122 11/21/03
3 3333 1/11/04

I am looking for result as follows

ol_num ap# cnt a.gr_dt b.gr_dt
1111 M1 040 12/31/03 4/30/05
1212 M2 345 1/1/04 1/1/04
2122 A1 340 11/21/03 11/21/03
2126 AB 753 11/30/04

Please help. I have a query as follows.

select max(b.file_id),a.ol_num,a.ap#,a.cnt,a.gr_dt,b.gr_d t
from table_A a, table_B b
where a.ol_num = b.ol_num
and a.gr_dt <>b.gr_dt
group by a.ol_num,a.ap#,a.cnt,a.gr_dt,b.gr_dt