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Thread: Where is my problem

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Where is my problem

    I found this script here on this site and have been able to get it to finally work without getting some errors. (It is the way I copy and pasted the code that was the problem) Anyways the script runs with no errors reported but when I open the db to look for new data everything is blank. So I am assuming it is not connecting to the db and there is no error being returned. (I am new at this so this is a big assumption on my part) Anyways will someone take a look at this quickly and see if the error is in the AdCn.OPEN line.

    'Objective: Find Errors and Warnings in Event Log on all the listed servers and write the output to a SQL Table
    'Author: MAK
    on error GoTo DBerr;
    Set AdCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    AdCn.commandtimeout =36000
    Set AdRec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set AdRec1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    AdCn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source='emierimar-lt\ecrsql';Initial Catalog=EventLogMonitor;user id ='EventLoguser';password='Event' "
    SQL1 = "Select ltrim(rtrim(Servername)) as servername from Servers order by ID Asc"
    AdRec1.Open SQL1, AdCn,1,1
    ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Started')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    while not Adrec1.EOF 
    strComputer= Adrec1("ServerName")'
    'Change 24 hours to any hours depending on your environment and requirement.
    iDuration = 24
    dtmNow = Now
    dtmStartDate = UTC(Dateadd("h", -1 * iDuration, dtmNow),strComputer)
    dtmEndDate = UTC(dtmNow,strComputer)
    ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('"+ strcomputer+ ": Event Log Monitoring Started')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
    Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
      .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile = 'Application'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
    if err.number <>0 then
    ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
     if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
     myuser ="N/A"
     end if
     If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
     mymessage =" "
     mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
     end if
     string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
    string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
    string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
     AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1
    end if
    Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
    Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
    .ExecQuery("SELECT *  FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile =  'System'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
    if err.number <>0 then
    ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
     if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
     myuser ="N/A"
     end if
     If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
     mymessage =" "
     mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
     end if
     string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
    string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
    string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
     AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1
    end if
       ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strComputer + ":  monitoring Completed')"
       AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Completed')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    Function UTC(dtmDate, strComputer2)
    'Function to convert the date/time to UTC format.
         Dim objSWbemServices
         Dim colTimeZone
         Dim objTimeZone
         Dim strBias
         Dim dtmCurrentDate
         Dim dtmTargetDate
         Dim dtmMonth
         Dim dtmDay
         Dim dtmHour
         Dim dtmMinute
         Dim dtmSecond
         Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
         Set colTimeZone = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery          ("SELECT * FROM Win32_TimeZone")
         For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone
             strBias = objTimeZone.Bias
         dtmCurrentDate = dtmDate
         dtmTargetDate = Year(dtmCurrentDate)
          dtmMonth = Month(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmMonth) = 1 Then
             dtmMonth = "0" & dtmMonth
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMonth
          dtmDay = Day(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmDay) = 1 Then
             dtmDay = "0" & dtmDay
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmDay
          dtmHour = Hour(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmHour) = 1 Then
             dtmHour = "0" & dtmHour
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmHour
          dtmMinute = Minute(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmMinute) = 1 Then
             dtmMinute = "0" & dtmMinute
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMinute
          dtmSecond = Second(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmSecond) = 1 Then
             dtmSecond = "0" & dtmSecond
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmSecond
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & ".000000"
         dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & Cstr(strBias)
         UTC = dtmTargetDate
    End Function

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ok I figured out one thing. I commented out the on error resume next part and now I see the error.
    Line 10
    Char 1
    Login Failed for user ... Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
    code 80004005
    source Microsoft OLE DB Provider

    Ok Fixed that one. Now onto another. I guess I just needed to post it to get a different look at it. I'll let you all know if I am going to need additional assistance. It does help when you can see errors appear :-)
    Last edited by ericm; 06-23-2005 at 07:07 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I give up on this one. Although it is perfect for what I need I cannot seem to get it to work properly :-(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Working now

    The problem was with the way everything got pasted from the webpage article to notepad and then into .net. Anyways after all the debugging here is how I got it to work. the only issue I cannot seem to get to work now is the asp pages from the article.

    'Objective: Find Errors and Warnings in Event Log on all the listed servers and write the output to a SQL Table
    'Author: MAK
    'on error resume next
    Set AdCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    AdCn.commandtimeout =36000
    Set AdRec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set AdRec1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    AdCn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source='emierimar-lt\ecrsql';Initial Catalog=EventLogMonitor;user id ='EventLoguser';password='Event' "
    SQL1 = "Select ltrim(rtrim(Servername)) as servername from Servers order by ID Asc"
    AdRec1.Open SQL1, AdCn,1,1
    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Started')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    while not Adrec1.EOF 
    strComputer= Adrec1("ServerName")'
    'Change 24 hours to any hours depending on your environment and requirement.
    iDuration = 24
    dtmNow = Now
    dtmStartDate = UTC(Dateadd("h", -1 * iDuration, dtmNow),strComputer)
    dtmEndDate = UTC(dtmNow,strComputer)
    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('"+ strcomputer+ ": Event Log Monitoring Started')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
    Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile = 'Application'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
    if err.number <>0 then
    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable (notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
     if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
     myuser ="N/A"
     end if
     If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
     mymessage =" "
     mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
     end if
     string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
    string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
    string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
     AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1
    end if
    Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
    Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT *  FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile =  'System'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
    if err.number <>0 then
    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
     if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
     myuser ="N/A"
     end if
     If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
     mymessage =" "
     mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
     end if
     string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
    string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
    string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
    string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
     AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1
    end if
       ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('" + strComputer + ":  monitoring Completed')"
       AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Completed')"
    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
    Function UTC(dtmDate, strComputer2)
    'Function to convert the date/time to UTC format.
         Dim objSWbemServices
         Dim colTimeZone
         Dim objTimeZone
         Dim strBias
         Dim dtmCurrentDate
         Dim dtmTargetDate
         Dim dtmMonth
         Dim dtmDay
         Dim dtmHour
         Dim dtmMinute
         Dim dtmSecond
         Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
         & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
        Set colTimeZone = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery _
        ("SELECT * FROM Win32_TimeZone")
        For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone
        strBias = objTimeZone.Bias
        ' Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
        ' Set colTimeZone = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery          ("SELECT * FROM Win32_TimeZone")
        ' For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone
        '     strBias = objTimeZone.Bias
         dtmCurrentDate = dtmDate
         dtmTargetDate = Year(dtmCurrentDate)
          dtmMonth = Month(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmMonth) = 1 Then
             dtmMonth = "0" & dtmMonth
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMonth
          dtmDay = Day(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmDay) = 1 Then
             dtmDay = "0" & dtmDay
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmDay
          dtmHour = Hour(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmHour) = 1 Then
             dtmHour = "0" & dtmHour
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmHour
          dtmMinute = Minute(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmMinute) = 1 Then
             dtmMinute = "0" & dtmMinute
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMinute
          dtmSecond = Second(dtmCurrentDate)
         If Len(dtmSecond) = 1 Then
             dtmSecond = "0" & dtmSecond
         End If
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmSecond
          dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & ".000000"
         dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & Cstr(strBias)
         UTC = dtmTargetDate
    End Function
    I made some changes in the function UTC routine but not sure if those are what is effecting the asp pages.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I wrote this long time back. It is a simple asp page which queries the Eventlog where the monitordate is todays date.

    Make sure you have on default folder. update the connection information.

    <!-- #include file="" -->
    <H1> Event Log Monitor </H1>
    Session.Timeout = 480
    set connection=server.createObject("ADODB.Connection")
    connection.OPEN "SERVER=SQl2k\instance1;DATABASE=EventLogMonitor;U ID=EventLogUser;PWD=Event;DRIVER={SQL Server};"
    set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rs.cursortype = adopenstatic
    query = "select * from Eventlog where convert(varchar(10),Monitordate,112) >= convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112)" query,connection %>
    <TABLE border=1 bordercolor=BLACK cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=0 width="75%" align=center>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">Logtype</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">Category</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">Server</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">Message</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">SourceName</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">TimeWritten</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">Type</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">User</B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=YELLOW><B><font color = "blue" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:12px">TimeStamp</B></TD>

    <!--rgb(61,32,87) -->

    <%do while not rs.eof%>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:11px" ><%=rs("Logtype")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Category")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Computername")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Message")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Sourcename")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("TimeWritten")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Type")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("AUser")%></B></TD>
    <TD bgColor=C7C7C7><font color = "black" face="VERDANA" STYLE="font-size:10px" ><%=rs("Monitordate")%></B></TD>
    <center><HR color=maroon></center>

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