I found this script here on this site and have been able to get it to finally work without getting some errors. (It is the way I copy and pasted the code that was the problem) Anyways the script runs with no errors reported but when I open the db to look for new data everything is blank. So I am assuming it is not connecting to the db and there is no error being returned. (I am new at this so this is a big assumption on my part) Anyways will someone take a look at this quickly and see if the error is in the AdCn.OPEN line.

'Objective: Find Errors and Warnings in Event Log on all the listed servers and write the output to a SQL Table
'Author: MAK
'Contact: mak_999@yahoo.com
on error GoTo DBerr;
Set AdCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
AdCn.commandtimeout =36000
Set AdRec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set AdRec1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
AdCn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source='emierimar-lt\ecrsql';Initial Catalog=EventLogMonitor;user id ='EventLoguser';password='Event' "
SQL1 = "Select ltrim(rtrim(Servername)) as servername from Servers order by ID Asc"
AdRec1.Open SQL1, AdCn,1,1
ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Started')"
AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
while not Adrec1.EOF 
strComputer= Adrec1("ServerName")'
'Change 24 hours to any hours depending on your environment and requirement.
iDuration = 24
dtmNow = Now
dtmStartDate = UTC(Dateadd("h", -1 * iDuration, dtmNow),strComputer)
dtmEndDate = UTC(dtmNow,strComputer)
ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('"+ strcomputer+ ": Event Log Monitoring Started')"
AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
  .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile = 'Application'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
if err.number <>0 then
ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
 if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
 myuser ="N/A"
 end if
 If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
 mymessage =" "
 mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
 end if
 string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
 AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1

end if
Set colRetrievedEvents=nothing
Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
.ExecQuery("SELECT *  FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE Logfile =  'System'  and ( Type ='Warning' or Type='Error' ) and TimeWritten >='"+ dtmStartDate +"'")
if err.number <>0 then
ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strcomputer+  ": Error " + err.description+" ')"
AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
For Each objEvent in colRetrievedEvents
 if isnull(objEvent.User ) = true then
 myuser ="N/A"
 end if
 If  isnull(objEvent.Message) = true then
 mymessage =" "
 mymessage =replace(objEvent.Message,"'"," ")
 end if
 string1 = "insert into eventlog (LogType,Category,ComputerName,Message,SourceName,TimeWritten,Type,AUser) "
string1 = string1 & " values ('" + objEvent.Logfile + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + CStr(objEvent.Category) + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + objEvent.ComputerName + "',"
string1 = string1 & "'" + mymessage + "',"
string1 = string1 & "   '" + objEvent.SourceName + "',"
string1 = string1 & "convert(datetime,left(" + Mydate + " ,8) + ' '+substring(" + Mydate + ",9,2) + ':"
string1 = string1 & "'+substring(" + Mydate + " ,11,2) ,112)" + " ,'" + objEvent.Type + "','" + myuser + "')"
 AdRec.Open string1, AdCn, 1, 1
end if
   ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('" + strComputer + ":  monitoring Completed')"
   AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
ErrorSQL="insert into event_logtable(notes) values ('Event Log Monitoring Completed')"
AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1
Function UTC(dtmDate, strComputer2)
'Function to convert the date/time to UTC format.
     Dim objSWbemServices
     Dim colTimeZone
     Dim objTimeZone
     Dim strBias
     Dim dtmCurrentDate
     Dim dtmTargetDate
     Dim dtmMonth
     Dim dtmDay
     Dim dtmHour
     Dim dtmMinute
     Dim dtmSecond
     Set colRetrievedEvents= GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+strcomputer+"\root\cimv2")
     Set colTimeZone = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery          ("SELECT * FROM Win32_TimeZone")
     For Each objTimeZone in colTimeZone
         strBias = objTimeZone.Bias
     dtmCurrentDate = dtmDate
     dtmTargetDate = Year(dtmCurrentDate)
      dtmMonth = Month(dtmCurrentDate)
     If Len(dtmMonth) = 1 Then
         dtmMonth = "0" & dtmMonth
     End If
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMonth
      dtmDay = Day(dtmCurrentDate)
     If Len(dtmDay) = 1 Then
         dtmDay = "0" & dtmDay
     End If
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmDay
      dtmHour = Hour(dtmCurrentDate)
     If Len(dtmHour) = 1 Then
         dtmHour = "0" & dtmHour
     End If
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmHour
      dtmMinute = Minute(dtmCurrentDate)
     If Len(dtmMinute) = 1 Then
         dtmMinute = "0" & dtmMinute
     End If
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmMinute
      dtmSecond = Second(dtmCurrentDate)
     If Len(dtmSecond) = 1 Then
         dtmSecond = "0" & dtmSecond
     End If
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & dtmSecond
      dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & ".000000"
     dtmTargetDate = dtmTargetDate & Cstr(strBias)
     UTC = dtmTargetDate
End Function