
I am new to DB2 environment.

My database consists of 4 user table spaces, in which one table space having a container in root directory. I am planning to relocate that container to the ordinary directory as per our standard. During which I came to know, there is a simple way of doing the relocation using “db2relocatedb” utility.

I prepared the configuration file as below.



I manually copied the container file from current location to new location, and then tried to use the relocate utility as below.

db2relocatedb –f Relocate_cont.cfg

I am getting error, saying

“DBT1022N DB2RELOCATEDB utility must be run under instance :”INSP””

I checked the current instance. Using db2 get instance it shows the INSP instance. I am executing from the correct instance only.

Can anyone please guide me on this problem to fix it?

Thanks in advance.