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Thread: Newbie needs help with query not working

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Newbie needs help with query not working

    Hi there,
    can an expert help me out here. I am very new to writing Database queries and in honesty I am not at all sure what I am doing.

    I have a script in PHP that should query the database and the resulting output should produce a .CSV file. Whenever I run the script I get the following error message:

    processing order ?ordernum=nnn using template template-ebay.html...Connected to database..
    You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'FROM categories_description, orders_products , products , products_to_categories' at line 2
    Couldn't execute query: SELECT orders_products.orders_id, orders_products.products_model, orders_products.products_name, products.products_image, orders_products.final_price, categories_description.categories_name, products_description.products_description, FROM categories_description, orders_products , products , products_to_categories, products_description WHERE products_description.products_id = products.products_id AND products.products_id = orders_products.products_id AND products_to_categories.products_id = orders_products.products_id AND products_to_categories.products_id = products.products_id AND categories_description.categories_id = products_to_categories.categories_id AND (orders_products.orders_id=?ordernum=nnn) GROUP BY products.products_model ORDER BY orders_products.orders_id

    The query is exactly as stated above in the error message. I am going round in circles trying to sort it out. Can anyone here help me out with it please.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You don't need a comma just before the FROM :
    And could you tell us why you put this? "AND (orders_products.orders_id=?ordernum=nnn)"

    Give it a try with this:

    SELECT orders_products.orders_id, orders_products.products_model, orders_products.products_name, products.products_image, orders_products.final_price, categories_description.categories_name,products_de scription.products_description FROM categories_description, orders_products , products , products_to_categories, products_description WHERE products_description.products_id = products.products_id AND products.products_id = orders_products.products_id AND products_to_categories.products_id = orders_products.products_id AND products_to_categories.products_id = products.products_id AND categories_description.categories_id = products_to_categories.categories_id GROUP BY products.products_model ORDER BY orders_products.orders_id

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Many thanks for the response. It was indeed the comma which caused the problem.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005

    I'm struggling with the same problem.

    Can somebody tell me what's wrong?
    Here's part of the php-script:

    $rasgroep = $_POST['selectrasgroep'];
    $sekse = $_POST['sekse'];
    $leeftijd = $_POST['leeftijd'];
    $anderekatten = $_POST['anderekatten'];
    $kanbijhonden = $_POST['kanbijhonden'];
    $kinderen = $_POST['kinderen'];
    $binnenblijven = $_POST['binnenblijven'];
    $buiten = $_POST['buiten'];

    $query = " SELECT nr, naam, sekse ";
    $query = query . " FROM kat ";
    if ($rasgroep != "alles") {
    $query = query . " WHERE rasgroep = \"$rasgroep\"; ";

    if ($sekse != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND sekse = \"$sekse\"; ";

    if ($leeftijd != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND leeftijd = \"$leeftijd\"; ";

    if ($anderekatten != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND anderekatten = \"$anderekatten\"; ";

    if ($kanbijhonden != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND kanbijhonden = \"$kanbijhonden\"; ";

    if ($kinderen != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND kinderen = \"$kinderen\"; ";

    if ($binnenblijven != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND binnenblijven = \"$binnenblijven\"; ";

    if ($buiten != "maaktnietuit" ) {
    $query = query . " AND buiten = \"$buiten\"; ";

    This is one of the errors I keep getting: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'query AND leeftijd = "volwassen"; ' at line 1.query AND leeftijd = "volwassen";

    Thanks in advance

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    $query = query . " WHERE rasgroep = \"$rasgroep\"; ";

    $query = $query . " WHERE rasgroep = \"$rasgroep\"; ";

    So, do not forget to replace "query" by "$query" 9 times in your script..

    Note: Before you duplicate a line in your program make sure it original works

    Good luck!

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