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Thread: reading xml in a sql table

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    reading xml in a sql table

    I receive in a table a field which is an xml string
    like below


    Is there a way read this field with a select statement? I need to strip out the entryid value in a trigger

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    Look for OPENXML in books online, it has an example of how you can prepare a xml document and select from it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    That's not valid XML, so reading it as XML won't work unless you first manipulate the data.

    Your sample is missing the closing EntryID tag. Are you sure you typed it in correctly?

    Declare @XML varchar(500), @EntryID varchar(100)
    Declare @Start int, @End int, @Length int

    Set @XML = '<NewOrder><SiteID>CJC</SiteID><patID>458887</patID><LName>Cronin</LName><FName>tim</FName><EntryID>{7B1A4946-CEC8-4F23-AE89-5C70A6A0F9B2}</NewOrder>'

    Set @Start = CharIndex('<EntryID>', @XML) + Len('<EntryID>')
    Set @End = CharIndex('</', @XML, @Start)
    Set @Length = @End - @Start

    Set @EntryID = Substring(@XML, @Start, @Length)

    Select @EntryID

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Thanks, that works great, only had to make small change to below since the data type was text

    declare @EntryID varchar(100)
    Declare @Start int, @End int, @Length int

    select @Start = (CharIndex('<EntryID>', request) + Len('<EntryID>')) from inq
    select @End = (CharIndex('</', request, @Start)) from inq
    Set @Length = @End - @Start

    select @EntryID = (Substring(request, @Start, @Length)) from inq

    Select @EntryID

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    If you're going to this frequently for differnet fields, this would an ideal candidate for a user-defined function.

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