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Thread: Problems with aggregation of distinctcount-measure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Problems with aggregation of distinctcount-measure

    Hi Experts,

    I have a problem:
    I have various cube packed in a virtual cube to give me distinctCount Values of customers who purchased products (DC customer] and purchased products (DC product) along with Saleries [RW] over numerous dimensions such as productgroups customergroups etc.
    In the calculated measure [RW kum] I can sum the the salaries from the beginning of the year until [time].currentmember with the following MDX-Code:
    With member [Measures].[RW kum] As 'Sum(Periodstodate([time].[year]).[Measures].[RW])'
    Select {[Measures].[RW],[Measures].[RW kum], [Measures].[DC customer]} on rows,
    [Productgroup].[Itemgroup].Allmembers on columns
    From [vcub_Sales]
    Where [Time].[2005].[march]

    IF I use this PeriodsToDate-Formular with the the measure DC customer I will get the sum of distinctcounts of the periods.

    What I want is the distinct count of all customers who have purchased since the beginning of the Year until the [Time].currentmember in the same Level.

    Given this problem, do I..
    1. have make another Cube or
    2. another time dimension or
    3. is there a way in MDX to get the result?

    I would appreciate any replies.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Atlanta and Manhattan

    Did you get a chance to read my article on how to handle Distinct Counts in MSAS?

    Give it a twirl, and come back with any specific questions that remain.

    Needless to say, letting us know that it was helpful is appreciated (although certainly not expected).


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