
The underlying table for my Customer Dimension has these fields:

CustCode, CustName, CustSateId, CustCityId, CustTypeId, CustSubTypeId

I have some customers who have branches in different States and or cities. For such customers the name ofcourse is the same but the CustCode is different. And depending, CustStateId and/or CustCityId are also different. For example

CustCode, CustName, CustSateId, CustCityId
1, ABC, 1, 1
2, ABC, 1, 2
81, XYZ, 5, 3
82, XYZ, 9, 1

Hoping that my post is clear so far.... I changed that way I was making my Customer dimension (after coming across an article) and defined the Member Key Column as the CustCode field and Member Name Column as the CustName field. But when I process my cube I get an error that "Detected two siblings with the same Name........"

BTW, previosuly I was using the CustName field as the Member Key column also and was not getting any error. Was this a bad approach or a correct approach?

I have tried playing with changing the Member Names Unique property but the error is still there.

Is this a design problem? Is this a common problem? Any clues about how to solve such a problem.

Many TIA.