I have been trying to use the following to append Oracle data to an Access table without much success at all! The error message that is received is "Invalid Precision for Decimal Data Type."

Upon appending the records to the Access database on a daily basis, I plan to update the following fields; pe.total_charges, pe.expected_reimbursement,and

ep.total_payments on a daily basis as well.

Any insight as to the possible reason/resolution would be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset, connString As String
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sqlEncData As String

connString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;" & _
"User ID=bc_juolpx;" & _
"Data Source=bcc;" & _
"Password=*****;" & _
"Persist Security Info=True"

cn.ConnectionString = connString
cn.Open connString

sqlEncData = "SELECT ep.account_id, pe.encounter_no, pt.Last_Name, pt.medical_mecords_no, pe.patient_type, pe.admit_date, pe.discharge_date, pe.

total_charge, pe.expected_reimbursement, pe.date_billed, trunc(epd.payment_date), ep.total_payments, pe.total_payments, pe.total_charges -

sum(ep.noncovered_pt_charges + ep.noncovered_wo_charges), pe.total_charges - sum(etd.adjustment_amount), trunc(sysdate),

ep.total_payments/pe.expected_reimbursement from encounter_payor ep, patient_encounter pe, encounter_transaction_details etd, patient pt, and ep.account Not In

AND epd.TRANSACTION_CODE in ('43604','43605','43606') AND pe.expected_reimbursement>0 AND pe.expected_reimbursement - pe.total_payments>0

AND ep.total_payments/pe.expected_reimbursement<=0.9 AND etd.transaction_code in ('80459','80460','80461') and trunc(epd.date_updated) = trunc(sysdate) -

15) GROUP BY ep.account_id, pe.encounter_no, trunc(pe.ADMIT_DATE), trunc(pe.discharge_date), pe.date_billed, pe.total_payments, pe.total_charges,

pe.expected_reimbursement, ep. total_payments, pe.expected_reimbursement - ep.total_payments,
trunc(epd.payment_date), pe.expected_reimbursement - pe.total_payments, ep.total_payments/pe.expected_reimbursement, pe.total_payments - ep.total_payments,

trunc(epd.date_updated), trunc(SYSDATE), pt.last_name, pt.first_name, pt.medical_records_no, pe.patient_type HAVING ((pe.total_charges - Sum

(etd.adjustment_amount)) - pe.expected_reimbursement) <> 0 ORDER BY 1, 2, 10

rs.Open sqlEncData, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do Until Rs.EOF


mts],[TotPymts],[CoveredCharges],[CalcAllow],[DateIdentif],[OrigRatio] " & _

"VALUES(" & Rs![ep.account_id] & ",'" & Rs![pe.encounter_no] & "'," & ... Rs!fieldn & ",'" & ")"

Set rs = Nothing