Hi guys.

While doing database disk backups, we have been using the following query

BACKUP DATABASE [xxx] TO DISK = 'e:\Backups\Database\xxx.bak'
WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = 'Complete Backup - xxx', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

This was fine until we did an ad-hoc backup to a different filename (yyy), and then renamed the file back to the original name (xxx).

When the schedule took over the next night, the physical_device_name in [msdb].[dbo].[backupmediafamily] did not get updated to the original name (xxx), but still claimed that the physical_device_name was yyy.

I am exploring the following query to back up the database from now on:

BACKUP DATABASE [xxx] TO DISK = 'e:\Backups\Database\xxx.bak'
WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = 'Complete Backup - xxx', SKIP, STATS = 10, FORMAT

(Note FORMAT and SKIP)

This will force the update of the physical_device_name. But the big question is:

Am I missing something? Could this have unforseen consequences?

Any ideas and opinions on this is most welcome.
