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Thread: Changing Chart Types with Parameters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question Changing Chart Types with Parameters

    Can I change the chart type with the value supplied in the Report Parameters ? Other than chart types everything else have expression field attached to them.
    Please Help !


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Atlanta and Manhattan
    Several ways. For example, apply the expression to a chart report / subreport that rests atop another report (a la dashboard) - I've made charts that are context sensitive to list / other reports in this way - and which pass params from drilldown of the list to make the chart "follow" the context, change "types," (you're actually showing another report entirely), etc.

    There are many other ways, such as creating a couple of instances of a given parameterized chart report - with an RS event / object for each "view" (link or button activated, for example) calling the respective report type; also, creating the different "versions" of the same report, once again, but publishing both, then passing params through a link / URL arrangement. Yet another approach: use MSAS Actions to link to the views, one for each view, and target the Action in RS.

    I plan to publish an article on this soon, along with other "switch view" stuff, like switching axes with a button in an OLAP report. It would be too involved to address any of the procedures in a forum entry, due to sheer number of steps, etc.

    Hope this helps! Stay tuned...


    William E. Pearson III
    Island Technologies Inc.
    931 Monroe Drive
    Suite 102
    Atlanta, GA 30308

    404.872.5972 Office
    888.570.8628 24 / 7 Messaging
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Could you provide an example of how you would implement your first option.

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